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Our services

Our experience in optimizing receivables demonstrates that a pragmatic approach focused on immediate impacts brings the most convincing results.

All Abalon Partners consulting services start with an analysis of your activity and the economic environment of your company. By supporting your vision, we want to optimize your financial performance and help you improve your immediate cash flow.


The main short-term financing tool in Europe, Invoice Finance is aimed at all companies from SMEs to Large corporates, in Europe and abroad. 

Feasibility studies

Calls for tenders

Abalon Partners supports you at every stage of your project, whether you are in the planning phase or have started a study:

Implementation support up until the 1st financing



Credit insurance allows companies to protect themselves against the risk of unpaid bills from their customers. Its implementation  is part of the global credit management strategy of companies, whatever their size.

The dedicated team of Abalon Partners ensures daily monitoring of credit limits and advises you during the claim processing or during the renewal phases of the insurance policy:

Contractual negotiation of insurance policies

Daily support for your teams



Our experienced credit management consultants assess the potential levers for improving your customer cycle and help you identify the potential organizational optimization to be implemented:

Diagnosis of the Order to Cash cycle

Action plan implementation

Change management



A Reverse Factoring program differs significantly from classic Invoice Finance: choice of suppliers, important of credit insurance line, cost sharing between parties...

Abalon Partners will help you quantify the potential financing to be obtained from your supplier balance:

Analysis of your aging supplier balance

Call for tenders to specialized banks and

Credit Insurers

Strategic supplier onboarding strategy



This type of financing is a structured alternative to Invoice Finance for companies with outstanding invoices over € 100 million and whose financial standing is relatively strong.

Drafting of product specifications adapted to securitisation 


Legal and financial support

Operational implementation (reporting implementation)

Team training


Abalon Partners helps you understand the inner workings of this financing technique, reduce the time spent on project management on your side by outsourcing to us:

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